A Somber Morning

A rainy Thursday, this last day of July is. There is a mother I have to visit, her child has a predicament. I doubt if I can get to her today, with the roads wet and wild. Another postponed success. That is how we call it in the Legion of Mary. Pray the sun comes out later in the afternoon, so we could get things done.

In the meantime, news has it there was a big water leak in California due to old pipes installed under the earth and has now given way. How untimely could it get when that state is currently boiling hot and needs all the water they can save.

But what can be more bad news than the Hamas peppering of Gaza! Makes us wonder if we could have done enough to save humanity. Evil bespeaks as we all seemingly wait and see.

And whether it has come to your attention or not, and it better be, the EBOLA might be in the offing, as it is still contained in Africa, but we must know and understand that this disease has no cure and therefore fatal. A pandemic OUTBREAK spells death far worse than we could ever imagine, because it grips the senses.

Bloom punching Bieber might sound like a winning point, but haven’t we much tasks on our hands than big boys boxing.

Not to worry on a gloomy Thursday. there are much heartaches where we can lead our minds to wander.

And while we are in a pensive mood, we can do with a prayer that all turmoils that beset our world come to pass.